Kunjungan IGD 2022 Juni.xls

URL: http://data.tegalkab.go.id/dataset/ec7edd8d-4dd9-4433-901b-22e5ba0c059d/resource/30fcf463-e07c-4f2b-8dfa-314e21736a06/download/kunjungan-igd-2022-juni.xls

From the dataset abstract

RSUD dr. Soeselo - Kunjungan IGD 2022 Juni

Source: RSUD dr. Soeselo - Kunjungan IGD 2022 Juni

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Polje Vrednost
Data last updated October 30, 2022
Metadata last updated October 30, 2022
Kreirаno October 30, 2022
Formаt application/vnd.ms-excel
Licencа Creative Commons Attribution
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